Monday, October 17, 2011

How Asian, Dumplings For Dinner!

I went home this weekend and pretty much gorged on Korean food... (No, seriously gorged... my dad had to tell me to "stop eating!") Clearly I was in an Asian food mood! So, instead of going to the regular grocery store I went to M2M, an Asian market in the East Village (on 3rd Ave and 11th St - map). I bought some rice, dumplings, dried seaweed, pickled radishes, etc.

My mom always has some dumplings on hand in her freezer. They are super fast and easy, which makes for a quick and easy dinner -- just my style! All you need to do is defrost them, which really only takes a few minutes. You can leave a few out while you wait for your water to boil, and/or chop up some veg to put on the side. By the time your water is ready, the dumplings should be good to start cooking. Drop in the dumplings, boil them 1-2 minutes and ta-da! Practically an instant dinner!

I sautéed up some onions, sweet peppers and squash, topped it with my boiled dumplings, and drizzled some soy sauce on them to finish it all off (the soy sauce also helps the dumplings from sticking together).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RIP, Wall Street

Well I suppose first things, first, RIP Steve Jobs. You will be missed.
RIP Steve Jobs. 
In other news, there seems to be no end to this Occupy Wall Street protest. I had to walk about 6 blocks around and out of my way to get to my apartment. I get it, you're protesting. But some people are just standing around and taking pictures, blocking my way. Some of us are just trying to get home... I want to go home people! I have some bacon to fry! Sigh. At least I got past some barricades without having to pull out my electric bill as proof of identity.

So despite leaving work at a relatively decent hour, dinner still wasn't until 9pm. Thank god I made that zucchini and goat cheese spread yesterday! Tonight's dinner would NOT have gone well otherwise. Sliced and toasted a half-baguette, slathered it with my spread, added some cucumber and tomato, and topped it off with some delicious bacon.

It was so tasty, I almost forgot about the protest outside... except I can still hear helicopters circling the Financial District.

To distract myself, here are some more tasty pictures of a plum cobbler I made the other day:

[Update]: I just found this video posted online. I missed this by about 15 minutes. Yikes!